Shaving crown is custom community of Malay in Malaysia 40 days after the birth of a baby. The response is not received after birth because the mother is not the last taboo or not healthy. Some places called it as Endoi in Kedah or Take a swing around the Kampung Gajah and Perak Tengah.
MY LITTLE EVENT aim to assist you in organizing such memorable event from A-Z.
Some of the events during the shaving crown are:
- Slaughtered sheep or cattle Aqiqah . Meat is cooked and eaten together in the feast. Chicken can not be Aqiqah.
- Reading of the litany or Marhaban : a reading of the tree and the praise of the Prophet Muhammad .
- Putting baby in a decorated cradle. Under the cradle is placed a knife streak andincense smoke. Rope swing will be pulled by children.
- And carrying the baby around the room diarak person who was reading the litany was in the porch of the house.
- Some important guests like grandparents to the baby, the priest , the head of the village will allow them, and stroking the baby's crown or head.
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